Latest Street Fashion

Sunday, August 19, 2012

I got nominated for a Livi Award

So, apparently, I've been nominated for the Livi award by the sweet Olivia of Color Coordinated Life. I believe this is the first one she's ever done. I've been nominated for a couple of awards before, but this one involves actual voting, which is a bit interesting. She included bloggers for, as I recall, 3 categories. I ended up being in the category of 'Best Role Model' (which, even though I don't win, is still an honor). Normally I'm not one to really care who wins or not, as I've checked out the other nominees and they all have great blogs. However, if you feel I deserve the title, then vote for me (Cheshire Cat) here.


  1. You'll get it I'm sure... You deserve it xoxo

    fave blogger ever!

  2. Hi dear¡¡ I follow you back¡¡ Thank you¡¡ We keep in touch¡¡ xoxo
    PS: Congrats for your nomination¡¡

  3. Congrats! I like your blog by the way, followed you on bloglovin, maybe follow me back?

